Q1 2024: Real estate update and economic snapshot
Please find the enclosed National Economic and Commercial Real Estate Update presentation I recently attended put on by Colliers Sr Director of Research.
I thought these slides were a great snapshot on economic policy as well as each commercial real estate sector. We look forward to discussing its contents and look forward to being a valuable resource to your business.
Year to date, our all-sector commercial real estate velocity is off substantially from prior years. The below is year to date transaction counts. (We track sales over $1 million.)
Julia is content weathering the storm.
Commercial real estate and the economy
An article about interest rates staying higher for longer.
We could get inflation from 3% to 2% if only we would check interest rates before going to the doctor, funding the military, funding state government or spending the $1.6T infrastructure bill. Ha.
I liked this graph on inflation. Its been "tamed" since April of last year.
I really liked this 5 minute video about inflation, economic policy and why it is so hard to get inflation down.
An article showing data and health of industrial markets in the US as a whole and across the US. Honolulu “wins” the award for lowest vacancy rate in the country.
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